Friday, 27 September 2013

Body Double

In a mass of Blondes I descended on a well known filming studio, the purpose and specifics of which shall remain vague and hidden, as we are contractually forbidden to divulge the secrets of our trade on any social media forum. Ooh Errr.
I can say that we were all sized up to be body doubles.
Very un-glamorous as this took place outside, surrounded by concrete. And although it was a gorgeous day, the chilly wind seemed to make our complexions fairer and our cheeks even rosier.
Unfortunately I was not called forth. My waist is not a tiny 24 inches, nor do I have breasts or hips. On this occasion I didn't meet the petite hourglass frame that they were seeking. So instead I sauntered back to town in my boyfriend jeans, apple in hand.
These androgynous hips don't lie ; )

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Circus circus

This morning was my first class back at Circus Space after the summer holidays. Static Trapeze is my skill of choice : ) Sounds great right? I was very chuffed indeed that my hands have retained some resilience and didn't blister up after 5 minutes of skinning cats!! Thank heavens for Calluses. Never thought I'd say that.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

So today I was sent to a casting for Fit Modelling. As an actor you must have many strings to your money-making bow ; ) Ironically you do not have to be 'Fit' for this type of modelling, aesthetically speaking or health-wise. They do ask you to be in proportion however, so whether you're a proportionate size 6 or 18 they'll love your bod!! 'This is so great' I thought, as I stripped to my undies and no longer needed to contract my abs to showcase my almost there 2pac shakur. Only then did I regret replacing my hearty morning porridge with 7 skin-on Almonds! It was 3pm, It's Autumn, and it was pretty cold in the little closet in which I stood, waiting to be measured.
Silly Amy. to remedy and to treat I quickly headed to my nearest coffee shop of choice, to warm up with my White Mocha and my Jumper and clothes well and truly on!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Hello. Welcome to my Blog :)
Contained on this page will be an entertaining look into the life and aspirations of a modern day performer. Expect drama, witticism and comfort reading. Watch as I Curve Ball my way to my dreams (And this is positively not meant in a negative way).
Enjoy A x